Thursday, October 23, 2008

This video talks to you about doing the right. And it says that if you do the right thing you will never have to worry about getting caught. That is true because if you do something  wrong and  you did it on purpose you will get all stressed out and you will not focus on your work. Or you can be thinking of it a lot and then they would get you. And they say that you are new to the job and you have to make copies or whatever.  To ask your boss or supervisor for permission so that you can't get in trouble. So remember  if you  have a   job and you think you are doing the right thing remember to ask someone important.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

profesinal attitude

Having a professinal attitude is really important when you are working in a job. It is really important because if  you are like "A I don't want to this or do that." And then you will get fired. So that is why you should work really hard. It also says if you do not feel comfortable in a  job you should quit. Because that makes it worse.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I think this video was about team work and not letting nobody in your work down. It also talked about if you are even with your best friend you have the right to chose from right to  wrong. So it is really important for you to not just make friends at the places you work at you have to coaporate with them. So if one time we get to work  with some one else we don't have to say  " Oh i don't want to work for him so i am quiting." So that is why it is super important for you coaporate. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

I think that she did something wrong. Maybe she forgot to logout and a kid got on the computer and started sending those messages. So that is why you should always check if you are singed out because  then another kid could get in the computer and sing in  as you. So always be careful because someone could be you. And maybe she told some one her username and password. And she told some one and she got in.